Senpai, Roses & Thorns WITH LYRICS By RecD - Friday Night Funkin' THE MUSICAL (Lyrical Cover) -

Senpai, Roses & Thorns WITH LYRICS By RecD – Friday Night Funkin’ THE MUSICAL (Lyrical Cover)

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Written, Performed, Edited by RecD
The Girlfriend performed by Moop
Composed and Arranged by KawaiSprite: ​
Panel/Art by Kermo Giovanna: ​
Thumbnail by SeerOfTheNight:
Perfect Clear Footage by Flippy:
Friday Night Funkin is (C) NinjaMuffin_99, KawaiSprite, PhantomArcade and evilsk8r. PLAY IT!!! ​

This was surprisingly hard to pull off. I hope you enjoy it.

#fridaynightfunkin​ #fnf​