"SARVENTE vs. RUV" Friday Night Funkin' Song (Animated Rap Battle) - shadowbizgame.com

“SARVENTE vs. RUV” Friday Night Funkin’ Song (Animated Rap Battle)

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Watch this epic FNF rap battle between the two lovebirds; the ice old Ruv and the holier-than-thou Sarvente. Who will win this rap battle? And will a surprise guest make an appearance? Find out in this Friday Night Funkin’ music video!

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Friday Night Funkin’ is made by ninjamuffin99 (programmer), PhantomArcade (animator), kawaisprite (musician), and evilsk8r (artist)

Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses Mod:

Artwork / Animation: Dokki.doodlez
Music / Charting: Mike Geno

Programming / Charting / Animation: kuroao_anomal

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  1. Adeline Violet Even more time for this game says:


  2. Ay yo RUV destroyed- he- those lines hit hard 😂😂😂👏👏👏

  3. if you didnt pick slever i wil be under you bed …>:}

  4. Selever, obvi- 😂😂😂 the king ended both of their rap careers

  5. Sarventeee i love you im your fan numer 1

  6. I quite like how, despite the disses, the two of them are basically flirting throughout the battle.

  7. Selever I choose who should win in my opinion

  8. I played we got this together while playing this

  9. Ruv won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Yeeeeeee🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  11. "How does it feel to be a reject from heaven"
    Woah that was harsh but also DAMN SICK BURN

  12. Anyone realize how Selevers pose is Sarv and Ruvs pose combined?

  13. Ruv won but sarvente and ruv and selever did pretty good

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