Friday Night Funkin' - Your Demise V2 but everytime it's Monika turn a Different Skin Mod is used -

Friday Night Funkin’ – Your Demise V2 but everytime it’s Monika turn a Different Skin Mod is used

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This bonus weeks song is called Your Demise V2 and it comes from the V.S Doki Doki Takeover Plus Mod. The mod is centered in the DDLC world with a recent update that remastered the sprites, songs, and added new features. Today’s song is Your Demise V2 or remastered version of the original which is much more remixed with more BF vocals added. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, Your Demise is a huge improvement over the original. I love how Monika switches between her small to big pixel form during the song.

Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana

Doki Doki Takeover Plus!

Monika Full Week – Refreshed (FANMADE)

PORT: Doki Doki Takeover PLUS WEEK 1 Psych Engine PORT


Monika in week 6 outfit

DDLC PIXEL (Old Original)

Monika/Minus & Reanimated

HD Monika over Dad

HD Monika over Daddy Dearest

Week 6 in HD (Background)

Hating Simulator DX (Background)

Monika Full Week HD (Background)

FNF Corruption Week 6 HD (Background)

Monika (SilvaGunner)

Vs. Monika (First-Class Edition)

Monika fnf Corruption

Monika Rebooted But Bad

Monika Week Full Reskin

Minus Monika Full Reskin

Monika Pixel Blue Skies

Vs B Side Monika

Monika hd But DDTO

Monika Over BF Reskin!

Friendly Funkin Monika

Genderswap Monika


BF Skin (Emi)

un HD Girlfriend

Tall Boyfriend

Girlfriend is Taller

HD BF & GF Version 2

BF & GF Week 6 Reimagined

bfPixel & gfPixel with DDLC outfit

Monika Speakerss V4

Monika from DDLC as Girlfriend

Delinquent Boyfriend

School Uniform GF

DDLC Glitched Pixel Boyfriend

Pixel Minus BF and GF

FNF Clay Mod

Pixel Rapper Kaity

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