FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ VS Taki's Revenge FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod/Hard/Friday Night Fever Town) -

FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ VS Taki’s Revenge FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod/Hard/Friday Night Fever Town)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Taki’s Revenge (FULL WEEK) + Friday Night Fever Town Extra New Songs for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. but this time we play the vs Fever Town Week 2 Remake, Taki’s Week 2.5, a bonus ??? week, and the extra Halloween bonus songs. It’s awesome seeing Taki get new songs and a huge update for her week. I wish Sarv from Sarvente’s mid-fight masses also got the same treatment as Taki, and wouldn’t it be cool if those 2 had a crossover? I can only dream…

Check out the official channel of Friday Night Fever Town

In week 2 it seems as if they removed Wolfie and I don’t know if he even existed in the story anymore, so far it doesn’t seem like it and they replaced Wee songs with new ones Taki is fully remastered and became a bit taller. In week 2.5 Fever welcome Taki to Fever town and gives her a church to meet with God. In the bonus week, you get to battle a ghost named Hallow who uses a painting of Taki to disguise himself as the actual Taki character. The mod has so much cutscenes dialogue which is awesome. I love mod with a good story and I know everyone else does too.

We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Taki’s Revenge songs and Friday Night Fever Town new songs. Friday Night Fever has 27 songs available in this mod, epic cutscenes, and 7 weeks.

Game Note: You’re Fever, the mayor of Fever Town! A trip back from space caused you to crash here instead of home, and things began to pile up on your desk ever since. Once an abandoned spot on the map, it’s now a hot spot for the worlds rejects, criminals, scumbags and any others shunned from their homes. Your girlfriend is also from space, and you’re hiding some dark secrets from her… can you handle a relationship as well as you can handle being a mayor?

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Taki’s Revenge Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:23 Old vs New (Week 2)
01:00 Old Taki vs Taki Remastered
01:30 Friday Night Fever Intro
01:53 Song List
Week 2
02:11 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
06:17 Star Baby Song (Wee Vs Fever)
08:27 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
09:32 Last Meow Song (Feral Wee Vs Fever)
11:31 Taki Jumpscare
11:36 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
12:15 Bazinga Song (Taki vs Fever)
14:59 Cutscenes Dialogue 4
15:18 Crucify Song (Taki vs Fever)
18:13 Cutscenes Dialogue 5
19:32 Week 2.5
19:35 Cutscenes Dialogue 6
22:25 Prayer Song (Vs Taki)
25:56 Cutscenes Dialogue 7
27:09 Bad Nun Song (Vs Taki)
30:53 Welcome to church!
Taki’s Revenge Week?
31:13 Cutscenes Dialogue 8
35:35 Hallow Song (Hallow vs Fever)
37:54 Cutscenes Dialogue 9
39:59 Portrait Song (Hallow vs Fever)
43:32 Cutscenes Dialogue 10
45:01 Soul Song (Hallow vs Fever)
48:25 Cutscenes Dialogue 11
Halloween Update Songs Freeplay
50:48 Hardships Song (Tea Bat Vs Fever)
53:30 Space Demons Song (bdbFever vs Demon Cesar
55:33 Credits
56:43 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Friday Night Fever below
VS Taki’s Revenge FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

Leader – helloitsmako:

Co-Leader – CesarFever:

Lead Musician – Foodieti:

Co-Musician – Biddle3:

Made Party Crasher by Birdbonanza:

3rd Musician by furious potato:

Programmer by isophoro:

Assistant Programmer by Rifxii:

kade engine by KadeDeveloper:

Charter by Vortmite1:

Read more credit here:

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
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