Friday Night Funkin' VS Senpai, Updike, & Hex | Funkin' Playback DEMO (FNF Mod/Hard) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Senpai, Updike, & Hex | Funkin’ Playback DEMO (FNF Mod/Hard)

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Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Senpai, Hex, & Updike | Funkin’ Playback DEMO for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. This is a fan-made mod based on BF & GF’s old opponents.
astro_galaxy – Director:

This mod is kind of similar to The Return Funkin Vs Whitty, this mod takes you on a trip down memory lane, one
song remix per character, new mid-song events, sprites & animations. As of now the mod only has 2 songs complete, and a bonus song in Freeplay but that one is still in an early stage of development. In the future, they will be adding more of BF’s old friends for example; Whitty, Ruv, Hex, Garcello from Smoke ‘Em Out Struggle, TABI Ex Boyfriend, Carol, and Cassette girl. (I don’t think Ruv from Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses is allowed though). Who knows, they might even add Tricky The Clown, Kapi, Matt, AGOTI, Shaggy, & Zardy too, but none of them have been confirmed yet. For some reason this mod only has Boyfriend & Girlfriend is nowhere to be seen. It always feels weird seeing BF without GF in mods. I’ll be playing it on very hard for all Funkin’ Playback DEMO Songs.

Funkin’ Playback Mod Download link:

Game Note: Time goes by, more mods are coming out and the good old mods are getting older and older as we go along… But what if we could go back in time? not with all those old animations and outdated lore; this time what if each of our most beloved characters could have a perfect reinterpretation for one of their songs? So then, let me introduce this mod to you!

2 Songs + 1 Bonus song
2 Revisited Characters.
Cool shit, like an overall of the HUD.
Cinematics and cool mid-song events + animations.
Glitcher is the bonus song, which is still in an early stage of development.
Love and passion…

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ Whitty Vs. Boyfriend FULL WEEK Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Song Preview & Game Over Animation
00:41 Song Descriptions
00:50 Week List
01:00 1) Senpai Remix Song (Senpai vs BF)
01:15 Unpixelate
01:36 Senpai gets mad
02:05 Freestyle & BF throws microphone at him
02:22 BF hands in pockets
02:35 Disappear
02:45 2) Remorse Song (Updike vs BF)
03:34 Hypnotize 1
04:38 Black n White
04:54 Hypnotize 2
05:58 Disappear
06:07 3) Glitcher Song (Hex vs BF)
06:56 Red & Blue Transition
09:33 Pixel vs Unpixel Senpai
10:20 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Funkin’ Playback FULL WEEK below
Funkin’ Playback FULL WEEK (Mid event Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

astro_galaxy – Director, Artist, Animator and Coder

DiamonDiglett42 – Charter

Below are the team for V1:
astro_galaxy – Director, Artist, Animator and Coder
teles – Co-Director, Coder, Composer
TonnoBuono – Coder
AtlasGamer27 – Coder
TeeBeeX86 – Coder
JasonTheOne111 – Coder
Coco_Puffs_lol – Artist/Animator
!Don! – Animator
ShamrockDev – Concept artist
Animason – Composer
GoldGuy64 – Charter
DiamonDiglett42 – Charter
shammal – Charter

Whitty / Updike:
Sock.clip – Artist and Song Composer / FNF Whitty Author:


Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:

FNF VS Whitty – Definitive Edition & Secret Song (Update)

Vs Whitty Date Week Carol & Whitty:

FNF VS Fire Whitty FULL WEEK Part 1-3 + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) (Whitty Fire Fight)

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tabi Rework (FNF Mod/Update) (Tabi Ex-Boyfriend)

Chino’s Animated – Animator for Whitty Vs. Boyfriend Fire:

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Whitty – Time’s Up BF | Like Ballistic, but More Deadly

Friday Night Funkin’ Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses DELUXE EDITION + Selever

Friday Night Funkin’ Animania – Cocoa/Eggnog Erect Remix

FNF VS Monika + Doki Doki Takeover Plus (FNF Mod) (Doki Doki Literature Club/DDLC)

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2023)
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