Friday Night Funkin' VS Mickey Mouse Reanimated HD Phase 3/4 (FNF Mod) (Sunday Night) (Creepypasta) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Mickey Mouse Reanimated HD Phase 3/4 (FNF Mod) (Sunday Night) (Creepypasta)

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Friday Night Funkin’ Sunday Night – Mickey Mouse 3rd Phase vs Mickey Mouse Reanimated 3rd Phase vs Mickey Mouse HD 3rd Phase for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. These are all the people that have updated their mods to include phase 3 and phase 4 skins. Everyone else moved on to focus on making pibby art/skins.

Upper left = OG | Upper right = Reanimated | Bottom = HD

This is the VS Mickey Mouse.AVI latest UPDATE by Maymays4days who is the original creator of Sunday night mickey mouse. Mod has phase 3 and includes a secret song in freeplay which is his phase 4 in Freeplay and gives you the ability to remove shake and zoom effects. The 2 new songs are called Really Happy song and Smile. Will boyfriend and girlfriend defeat Creepypasta Mickey Mouse or will bf and gf lose to the mouse?

ShanePr0ducti0ns – Mickey Mouse Reanimated Game Note: I made these unique set of animated sprites only days after the OG mod was released with the sole intent of recapturing that original creepypasta depiction of a suicidal mouse in one of the granddaddy of lost media episodes creepypastas
– Mickey Mouse Reanimated Download:

AlecGm – Reanimated HD Game Note: This mod is a remake of the mod from Sunday night, I hope you like it, remembering that this is the first mod that I put on the internet, and if you liked the remake, give it a heart, and if possible comment 🙂
– Sunday Night HD Reanimated Download:

maymays4days – Original Sunday Night Mickey Mouse Game Note: UPDATE: Due to popular demand, this small update consists of two things. There is a new setting that warns you about screen shaking. I brought back the hurt notes!

Story: One night on the town you’re spending some time with your hot girlfriend when a certain rodent bumps into you. You’re excited to see it’s the one and only Mickey Mouse! But he seems more… down than usual. Eh, everyone has their off days. You offer him a song to cheer him up. Little do you know how much of a mistake that truly is… Whatever you do, don’t watch this fnf mod at 3am. Mouse.avi

Maymays4days – Creator of the Sunday Night S Mouse mod:

Sunday Night Download:

Whatever you do, don’t watch this fnf mod at 3am. Mouse.avi

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Mickey Mouse Reanimated HD Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 No more shake update
00:07 My Message
00:37 Remove shaking
00:41 Mickey Mouse OG (Unhappy Song)
00:46 Mickey Mouse HD
00:49 Mickey Mouse Reanimated
00:51 Phase 1 Animation Comparison
01:54 Mickey Mouse OG (Happy Song)
02:13 Mickey Mouse HD
02:22 Mickey Mouse Reanimated
02:31 Phase 2 Animation Comparison
03:56 Mickey Mouse OG (Really Happy Song)
04:25 Mickey Mouse HD
04:39 Mickey Mouse Reanimated
04:53 Phase 3 Animation Comparison
05:48 Mickey Mouse OG (Smile Song)
06:15 Mickey Mouse HD
06:29 Mickey Mouse Reanimated
06:44 Phase 4 Animation Comparison
07:15 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Mickey Mouse.exe below
VS MickeyMouse.exe FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

Maymays4days – Creator of the Sunday Night S Mouse mod:

ShanePr0ducti0ns – Created Mickey Mouse Reanimated Skin:

AlecGm – Created Mickey Mouse HD Skin:

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:

Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:

Friday Night Funkin’ – VS Flippy Flipped Out Week:

Friday Night Funkin’ – VS Jeff The Killer FULL WEEK

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Slenderman FULL WEEK

Friday Night Funkin’ VS SONIC.EXE 1.5 (Secret Sunky / Sunky.MPEG):

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
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