Friday Night Funkin' VS Jurassic Park: T-Rex Breakout (FNF Mod/Hard) (Tyrannosaurus/Dinosaurs) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Jurassic Park: T-Rex Breakout (FNF Mod/Hard) (Tyrannosaurus/Dinosaurs)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS T-Rex BreakOut (FNF X Jurassic Park) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. This time we play a mod based on one of the Jurassic Park movie scenes.
Endah – Director:

This is a recreated scene from Jurassic Park, where you have to try not to die while being chased by T-Rex Dinosaur, but in this mod, you will need to rap battle the Dinosaur in order to survive. You don’t get to play as Boyfriend and Girlfriend but instead, you’ll play as Alan Grant from the actual Jurassic Park movie. Finally, after a year FNF finally gets a Jurassic Park mod, but we still need one with BF and GF in it. I’ll be playing it on very hard for all Funkin’ Breakout songs.

FNF: Funkin’ Breakout:

Game Note by Endah: A High Effort Oneshot mod based on the Tyrannosaurus Breakout scene in 1993 Jurassic Park.

Story: Six teenagers were chosen for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at a state-of-the-art adventure camp on the opposite side of Isla Nublar: Camp Cretaceous. However, once the events of Jurassic World occur and the dinosaurs get loose, the teens find themselves stranded. Cut off from the outside world, the six have to rely on each other to survive.

The T. Rex Escapes the Paddock in 4K HDR | Jurassic Park

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Jurassic Park: T-Rex Breakout FULL WEEK Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:12 Reference
00:26 Break Out Song (T-Rex vs Alan Grant)
01:36 Tyrannosaurus Roars
03:05 Miss Animations
03:13 Credit
03:22 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Jurassic Park: T-Rex Breakout below
VS FNF: Funkin’ Breakout (Mid Cutscenes) Mid Download:

Endah – Director, Main Artist and Animator:

SpookyPuffGuy – Co-Director:

P.R. – Made Alan’s Chromatic

JPR.xml – Composed “Breakout”:

ClipeeChan – Charted “Breakout”:

MuraSsakino – Coder:

IckyIZ – Made Scrapped Song and is very epic:

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2022)
#FridayNightFunkin #JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #Trex #Dinosaur #Dinosaurs #Scary #CommunityGame