Friday Night Funkin’ – Perfect Combo – Lullaby Mod + Cutscenes & Extras [HARD] *Read Description*
Man. I honestly don’t know what else to say about this mod. This was one of the craziest, coolest, most incredible mods I have EVER played. I can’t express with words how much I enjoyed myself playing through all of it!!! Just the entire concept of it is so insanely awesome, all the coolest, most interesting pokemon creepypastas in one mod, all of them with their own twists and artstyles, it’s just WAY too cool! All of the art is absolutely STUNNING, which isn’t too much of a surprise considering Banbuds worked on it, but I still think he absolutely out performed himself in every way possible. I love how GF looks!! Her new style is so cool looking, I really like the more laid back looking version of her! Hypno himself looks incredible as well, just… literally everything in this mod looks awesome, and all the different animations they all have, it’s just mind blowing how much time and effort must’ve been put into this!!! And all the gimmicks my GOD, I cannot express how cool the pendulum gimmick, the typing gimmick and the glitching gimmick are. And they were all SO DAMN HARD, as you can also see by my awful accuracy in Missingno hehe, not too proud of that score, but I just can’t wrap my head around this gimmick and this was the best score with an FC that I got! Also because of this mod I’m now fluent in Unown! God, I love this mod so damn much, the entire team did an INCREDIBLE mod with it!!! Hope you guys enjoy and happy halloween!
Link to mod:
0:00 – Safety Lullaby
2:52 – Left Unchecked
5:50 – Monochrome
8:38 – Missingno
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