Friday Night Funkin’ Family Trouble (Triple Trouble but FNF Casts Sing it) (FNF Mod) BF GF Dad Pico
Crashy Boi made this cover:
richilix – Animator:
Remember that triple trouble but with the fnf cast sings it video awhile back? Well, now it’s playable! I don’t really play these Triple Trouble songs unless it has my favorite characters or epic animation! This one was so good to play but scary! This time we battle Daddy Dearest, Girlfriend, Fake Evil Boyfriend, and Pico. It’s too bad Mommy Mearest isn’t part of the family trouble because it would have been more awesome! I think she needs to replace Pico.
I’ll be showcasing the Friday Night Funkin’ Cast over the Sonic.Exe 2.0 characters in the Triple Trouble song. I disable the miss sound effects so the song will play out perfectly. In this mod, there are 5 keys like the original song, but hitting the rings doesn’t do anything so I won’t press it.
Triple Trouble but FNF cast Mod Download:
Game Note: A mod inspired by the mod of “VS Sonic, EXE” but with the characters of the FNF. The sprites are made by me, and the voices by Crashy Boi
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Triple trouble but with the fnf cast Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Triple Trouble but with FNF Cast Song (Dead Girlfriend vs Skid & Pump)
01:48 Fake Boyfriend Act 1
02:14 Dead Pico
03:59 Fake Boyfriend Act 2
04:52 Daddy Dearest
06:47 Fake Boyfriend Act 3
08:29 Game Over Animation
08:36 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Family Trouble below
VS Triple trouble but with the fnf cast FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
RightBurstUltra – Sonic.exe Owner/artist:
MarStarBro – Original Composer(s) of Triple Trouble:
Punkett – Original Composer(s) of Triple Trouble:
UpTaunt – Original Composer(s) of Triple Trouble:
ShadowMario – Psych Engine:
richilix – animator:
Crashy – Voices:
The Original VS FNF Team:
Phantom Arcade:
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Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Game Over Screens:
Shaggy 2.0 Vs. Shaggy Remastered:
Friday Night Funkin’ – (Minecraft Edition)
Friday Night Funkin’ VS Fake Boyfriend – Confronting Yourself:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #FNF #FNFCast #VsGirlfriend #Girlfriend #Boyfriend #DaddyDearest #pico #CommunityGame