Friday Night Funkin’ – Execution but everytime it’s Lord X turn a Different Skin Mod is used
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This bonus weeks song is called Execution from the V.S Sonic.EXE Mod. Similar to Sonic.exe this opponent is called Lord X which is another variation of the sonic horror creepypasta. The song itself is much more intense and faster unlike “Endless” which sounded more like a playful song. Due to the popularity of Majin Sonic and Sonic.exe most people tend to forget about Lord X so it was a bit difficult to find enough skin mods for this video but I managed somehow. In one section, I also added the sonic execution cover just because it felt right. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don’t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Overall, the song was pretty good but I wouldn’t say it is as memorable as endless. Still I found it amazing how many variations of minus mods were made for this song.
Mods used in this video:
Main Website for these mods comes from GameBanana
Vs. Sonic.Exe
Lord X vs Sonic
Sonic.Exe JustRedBird’s version
Sonic.EXE Minus – Endah’s Version
Sonic.Exe VS Sonic
Sonic.exe but bad
Sonic.exe Minus Hottler Version
Sonic.exe but kind of sussy
Sonic.EXE Minus B-side
Sonic.Exe remasterd beta
Minus Sonic.exe remastered
Sonic EXE but SUPER
Boyfriend Sussy
Anti-Piracy Boyfriend
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