Friday Night Funkin’ Burning Mockup Animation – Playable | VS Sonic.Exe 2.5/3.0 (FNF Mod/Hard/Sonic)
art is fanmade, created by Noveni:
NormallyAverage – Coder:
In this AU, Eggman & Sonic have both been corrupted and BF has challenged them into a rap battle. This version of Eggman is actually named Genesys and is an original character, but it looks exactly like Dr. Eggman to me.
Sonic The Hedgehog is the protagonist of Sonic The Hedgehog. He is Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik’s archrival. He is Tails’ friend and Robotnik’s enemy, but also battled Metal Sonic in the past in Meet Metal Sonic. He appears regularly In Dorkly’s animations about his series.
VS Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 – Burning – Nove Take Mod Download:
Burning Mockup Animation – FNF VS. Sonic.Exe 2.5/3.0:
Game Note: Based on the Noveni Burning Mockup animation. Unused Sonic EXE song, Burning, by Adam McHummus
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Sonic.EXE 3.0 Burning Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:07 Message
00:17 Burning Song (Sonic Passed vs BF)
00:45 Dr. Eggman aka Genesys Shows up
00:57 Both Sing
01:04 Sonic Hits Eggman 1
01:23 Eggman Speaks (I cant understand him)
01:42 Sonic Hits Eggman 2
02:32 3 of them Sings
03:07 Eggman plans to attack
03:14 Credit
03:17 Miss Animations
03:22 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS BURNING – Nove Take below:
BURNING – Nove Take (Mid Cutscenes) Download:
Noveni – Art / Animation:
NormallyAverage – Coder:
Sega- Owns the og Sonic / Sonic the Hedgehog:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails.EXE FULL WEEK
Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails Secret Histories, like Sonic For Hire:
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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Tails Secret Histories FULL WEEK:
FNF VS Sonic.EXE 3.0 – Final Escape But Pixel | Sonic The Hedgehog
FNF VS Sonic.EXE: The Spirits of Hell Round 1 (FNF Mod) (Sonic & Tails/Tails.EXE)
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2023)
#FridayNightFunkin #Sonic #Tails #SONICEXE #Sonic #Creepypasta #CommunityGame