BOYFRIEND TURNS INTO A DEMON PRINCE?! Friday Night Funkin' Logic | Cartoon Animation -

BOYFRIEND TURNS INTO A DEMON PRINCE?! Friday Night Funkin’ Logic | Cartoon Animation

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The planets align causing Girlfriend to bite Player and turn him into a horrible demon! Now Player must seek the help of Sarvente and Daddy Dearest to find a magical fountain in the depths of hell that breaks the demon curse. Will Player be able to become a human again? Or will be succumb to the evil demon curse forever? Watch the whole video to find out!

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Friday Night Funkin’ is made by ninjamuffin99 (programmer), PhantomArcade (animator), kawaisprite (musician), and evilsk8r (artist)

Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses Mod:

Artwork / Animation: Dokki.doodlez
Music / Charting: Mike Geno

Programming / Charting / Animation: kuroao_anomal

Vs. Friday Night Funkin’ – D-Sides Remixes Week (No Cutscenes) Mod Download link:

Lead Composer, Monster Voice & Lead Programmer by philiplol:

Additional Composition by gc:

Lead Artist by FifLeo:

Additional Artist / Character Design by DastardlyDeacon:

GF Voice by SuperKirbylover:

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